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All class sizes limited to 10. 

Winter 2025 Calendar (Coming Soon)

"Maple Kids"
Age 3-7


8:30a - 4:30p

Mon - Tue ~ Wed ~ Thu
(2-3-4 day options)


Our Forest Kindergarten group is “child led”, Guides act as facilitators for outdoor learning and experiences. Daily activities are emergent and can include nature walks, caring for our habitat and animals, onsite gardens, Mud Kitchen, observing the changes of the season, identifying insects and flora,  'wanders' through our trails, using natural materials to create works of art and most of all ... free play in the forest!


" Summer Kids"
Age 3-11


Summer Session

2025 TBD

8:30a - 4:30p

Mon - Tue ~ Wed ~ Thu

9 weeks to choose from

Summer Kids spend all their time  in the great outdoors. Our days are child and nature-led, and as free-play-based as possible. Whether its warm sunshine, cool rain, lazy days, or adventures on-the-go, your child will be busy, happy, and growing with other like-minded friends in their natural, screen -free environment. We have a wonderful base camp with covered outdoor classroom, indoor bathrooms, hammocks, sprawling lawn, trails, mud, playground, forts, chickens, and Brooktown. We also take impromptu field trips to local favorite spots like Pondicherry Park, Hawk Mountain, and Field of Dreams. in our 12-passenger Maple Mobile.


Age 6-11



2025 Dates TBD  
Backpacking 101, Map & Navigation

Nature ID, Tracking, & Nature Journaling

Camping 101, Shelters, Campfire Safety

Geology 101, Rock Hounds, Geo-caching


9a - 4p

Wed ~ Thu ~ Fri

Trail Blazers is held exclusively in the outdoors and geared for 6-11 years.  We meet alternately between Miss Maple's and various forest environments throughout the local area. Kids learn life skills, techniques of discovery, bush craft and survival skills. Ultimately they explore ways to connect to their natural world, community and themselves. 

Maple Kids
Drop-Ins $60/day
Maple Kids
Drop-Ins $60/day

Children should bring a snack/lunch, water bottle,
outdoor wear and a change of clothes.

We spend 75%-95% of our time in the great outdoors, year-round.
  Children should come appropriately dressed in layers
for the day's weather, especially with seasonally
appropriate footwear.

Our programs are led by the cycles of nature.
We offer 12-week sessions in the Fall, Winter, and Spring, and weekly sessions in the Summer.

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